The Search is on...
We had scavenger hunts even when I was a youth. I participated in treasure hunts when I was in University. I've organized various hunts almost every year for the last 25 years of working with youth. We've called them many things including a Treasure Hunt, a Scavenger Hunt, a Destination Unknown Party, an Amazing Race, and an urban adventure. Some scavenger hunts include puzzles, clues, riddles, and difficult tasks to be accomplished, while others consist of a simple scavenger hunt list. In some scavenger hunts you collect items, while in others you collect photos, video clips, or simply solve the clues to find a final treasure or location. We've used them for a variety of activities including Christmas Scavenger Hunts, Halloween Scavenger hunts, and for Birthday Party activities. The "Amazing Race" is a popular TV series which has sprung up based on variations of the same scavenger hunt concept.
As a general term, I simply call them "Scavenger Hunts" or "Treasure Hunts"
If you have ever participated in one, you know Scavenger Hunts are a great opportunity to build group relationships and have a lot of fun as participants are stretched and prodded to think outside the box. Participants in scavenger hunts discover hidden talents, stretch their creativity, and find treasured friendships in the process.
Scavenger Hunts
- Allow youth to get out and about with an adult, and do wacky, zany things all over the city, the neighborhood, or in a park. (But they aren't just for youth -- they are great for a group of
adults as well!)
- Scavenger hunts can take place at the beach or in a mall, at the zoo or at a museum, indoors or outdoors, in the city or in a nature area.
- Scavenger Hunts are challenging -- both intellectually and physically. You aren't cooped up in a meeting room.
- Participants discover hidden potential and abilities in each other -- even the quiet ones might have that one little tidbit of information or insight that leads to success!
- They are great social icebreakers, and foster relationships, bonding and unity.
- Scavenger hunts encourage
team work and co-operation through friendly competition.
- Scavenger hunts encourage
participants to break out of cliques and meet new people.
- Scavenger hunt ideas are a great way to bring a holiday party, event or special occassion to life.
I'm sure you knew all that already. Scavenger Hunts are nothing new. That's why you've decided to organize your own scavenger hunt... But wait a second.. How exactly do you go about planning it? What rules do you use? What's fun and what's been done to death? So you start "scavenger hunting" for Scavenger Hunt ideas. And you are not alone. I had to figure things out the hard way. I made many mistakes myself when I did it in my time. My own youth have come to me upteen times asking the same questions when they try to organize one. It's not surprising to see that "Scavenger Hunt" is one of the most often searched for key words on my youth ideas website.
Where can I get some help
to plan my scavenger hunt?
You can buy a complete kit
for a single scavenger hunt on the internet for $24.95. You can even hire someone to come in and conduct the entire scavenger hunt event for you if you are willing to pay more than $500. A specialist will charge you $1000-$2000 for a day! Yikes, there goes my youth budget for the year!
Yet what most of us need isn't a complete "I'll-do-everything-you-just-sit-back" Scavenger hunt solution. Part of the fun is planning the hunt together with your youth. All you're looking for is a push in the right direction. A few ideas to spark off the creativity you already have inside you. Maybe all you need is a little help coming up with a creative theme, brainstorming ideas for the item list, and a few pointers to take your Scavenger Hunt from "great" to "awesome".
Relax, I'm here to help...Scavenger Hunts and variations on the theme are among the most popular events I've done with youth. They are always begging to have another one. After more than 20 years working with youth, I've done a lot of scavenger hunts. They weren't all the best, I confess but now you can stand to benefit from my 20/20 hindsight. You can learn the lessons I learnt the hard way without the consequences I experienced to make YOUR scavenger hunt successful and safe!
I kinda wish I could devote all my time to building resources for you to use but I simply don't have that. So I did what I could. I put together a "first" collection -- I have enough scavenger hunts ideas for a few more collections as well, but those will have to wait till I have a little more time to clean up 20 years of files and put them in a form people can easily use!
Scavenger Hunts are fun for Everyone!
Scavenger Hunts are great fun for people of all ages! Scavenger Hunts are interactive, requiring participants to use both their mental and physical skills at the same time. You can adjust the rules, lists, and activities for any level of difficulty, different interests, all ages, and different levels of physical ability (special needs groups included). You can adapt them to fit a variety of themes and party ideas. You can plan a small treasure hunt for an icebreaker that will only take a few minutes or massive scavenger hunts at a camp that will take the whole day. All the hunt ideas I put together are fully customizable to suit YOUR unique needs.
Once Lost, Now Found: Creative Scavenger Hunts

ONLY USD $24.97
Creative Scavenger Hunts gives you more than 50 ideas with item lists (and unlimited variations) to get your creative juices flowing! It also contains a very detailed checklist to help you cover every area needed to conduct a successful scavenger hunt. Rules, Safety tips, Guidelines, Scoring, Guides for facilitators and more. I am sure after using the scavenger hunt ideas in this book you'll also be able to come up with some very creative ideas of your own. If you do, drop me a note as I'd love to hear them. And if you ever run out of that creative juice, there's always the future Second Edition.
As i mentioned before, it's not uncommon for a single scavenger hunt to cost you $24.97. Yes, I balked at that too. And if you get someone to help you, it will cost you many times more than that. But why get someone else to do your scavenger hunt for you when you can have more fun planning it on your own and with your youth if you could just get a little help?
I am giving you more than 50 themed scavenger hunt ideas for the price of a single Scavenger Hunt from others - ONLY $24.97! You can't beat that offer!
Here’s what other youth leaders who have discovered and used some of my scavenger hunt ideas have said:
“God put it on my heart to start something and I'm kicking off the youth program with a lock in. I knew I wanted to have a scavenger hunt and do a few ice breakers. You had the perfect things I could use. There are so many other things here I can't wait to get into. Thanks for making my job a lot easier.”
- Kate Thompson, Columbus, Ohio, USA
“I have recently taken the reins of the Sr. High Youth Group at my church. I was so happy to find your site and some ideas for a scavenger hunt.”
- Diane Hanna, Waterloo, Illinois, USA
“Thank you, thank you for the Church History Scavenger Hunt idea! This is exactly what I needed for a special event at our Church this weekend and I'm not creative enough to come up with it on my own!!! Thank you for sharing your ideas!”
- Tanya Cordes, Amarillo, Texas, USA
Once Lost, Now Found: Creative Scavenger Hunts

ONLY USD $24.97
Everything you need to know about creating a successful Scavenger Hunt!
"Creative Scavenger Hunts: Once Lost, Now Found" is a 160 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own scavenger hunt. It contains thousands of items to put on your scavenger list. There are scavenger hunt ideas to use at home, around the neighborhood, at the mall, in the park, on the beach, at church, and around town!
There are quite a few free ideas on the web, that may not cost you any money but will certainly cost you plenty of time to download and sort between the trash and the treasure. All you will find in the end is most of those hunt ideas that remain are variations on the same few themes.
Why did I put these Scavenger Hunt Ideas in an e-Book?
I do plan to do a paperback version at some point, but that could take months and then there is the added shipping and printing costs. But you would want to personalize your own scavenger hunt anyway.
his convenient digital format allows you to:
- Get instant access. That's faster than Amazon or jumping in the car to your local bookstore. You can have 50 scavenger hunt ideas in your hands minutes from right now.
- You can have these hunt ideas at anytime 24/7/365. It doesn't matter what time of day it is, even if it's 1:53am. :)
- It's less bulky than a physical book. You can read it on your PDA or laptop (or PC/Mac). You don't have to lug any extra books along with you!
- Browse the scavenger hunt index and you can just click on the title and go straight to the page you want.
- Easily search through using
keywords saving you time - something you can't do with a traditional book. You can search for a theme, for a key word, for a key item and find the scavenger hunt that works for you.
- Copy and paste the theme
ideas, the rules, and the item list into your favorite word
processor to create your own customized scavenger hunt.
- Print multiple copies of this scavenger hunt ebook for
the rest of your team or volunteers.
You can't do that legally with a physical book! (Just please don't give it to others outside your organization or church.)
- You can even email the scavenger hunts or the whole ebook to others on your team. (But please ask them NOT to pass it on!)
I can't believe you would still be considering, but if you are still thinking about it, I'm going to make it even easier and more risk-free for you. If for any reason you're not happy with the content, you have a complete guarantee to protect your investment.
 My Personal Guarantee
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I’m so certain that Scavenger Hunts Ideas will save you time, give you some incredible ideas and help you plan that special occassion better that I’m offering you a “No-Questions-Asked” 100% Money Back Guarantee.
All I ask is you try out the Scavenger Hunts Ideas at my risk. And if you don’t benefit at all from them, I honestly want you to ask for your money back. Simply contact me here and I’ll happily refund your money in full (in fact, I’d be embarrassed to keep it).
I am doing this to help you and if you’re not happy, then I haven’t achieved my goal. So if you’re not happy with what you get, I don’t expect … or want … to keep your money.
But… the e-book is yours to keep no matter what, as a “thank you” gift from me!
What are you waiting for? Discover what hundreds of other youth leaders have direct access to today. Don't dawdle and waste more time thinking about it. It's time to act. Get your hands on more than 50 scavenger Hunt ideas with guides to make each one a success for this amazing low price.
Once Lost, Now Found: Creative Scavenger Hunts

ONLY USD $24.97
Special BONUS!
As a special Bonus I'll also include an Excel spreadsheet with all the scavenger hunt lists for many of the most popular scavenger hunt ideas. Add and delete items without any difficulty. Simply copy and paste them into the word processor of your choice for a personalized scavenger hunt in almost no time at all!
Here's How to order right NOW! Have it in Minutes!
Click "Buy Now" for an instant download of this digital ebook to your computer. Once your credit card is approved, you will receive a link to a special download page where you will download everything along with your excel list Bonus. The ebook is in a pdf format produced using Adobe Acrobat.
You'll get it immediately, even if you need it at 2:00 am in the morning! (I hear that's prime time when youth leaders hunt for ideas)

P.S. Make your life simple - run a professional scavenger hunt at a fraction of the cost. The fun is guaranteed. If you didn't realize it already, you and you youth will be missing out on a great opportunity if you haven't already taken action to get "Once Lost, Now Found: Creative Scavenger Hunts".
After payment, you will be sent a link to confirm your email address. Click on the link in the confirmation email to receive the instructions to download the ebook to your computer. Check your junk mail or spam folder if you can't find it in your inbox. AOL, Yahoo, and Hotmail are famous for placing emails with links into the spam folder. You can add to your address book to try to prevent this from happening. If for some reason you are still not able to download the ebook, send me an email at and I will send you the link within 24hours of purchase.
Get your copy of "Once Lost, Now Found: Creative Scavenger Hunts" by Clicking the Add To Cart button Today!